


icon期刊   icon研討會   icon專書

book 期刊

  1. Assessing the Contribution of Semiconductors to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from 2017 to 2022. Heliyon, 9(11). (2023, Nov.)
  2. 永續發展目標(SDGs)在高等教育上的應用—跨領域共學群之成效評估台灣教育,743,65-83。(2023, Oct.)
  3. 2023 AIR Forum暨UCOP-IRAP參訪心得臺灣校務研究專業協會通訊(TAIR Newsletter),24。(2023, Sep.)
  4. 南部校園巡迴講座報導—校務研究新紀元-深耕實踐臺灣校務研究專業協會通訊(TAIR Newsletter),20。(2022, Sep.)
  5. 我國大專校院碩士班學生休學原因探析教育行政與評鑑學刊,30,107-130。(2021, Dec.)
  6. 臺灣校務研究辦公室運作現況調查問卷分析評鑑雙月刊,93,42-44。(2021, Sep.)
  7. 以校務研究探究大學校院碩士班休學原因評鑑雙月刊,92,41-44。(2021, Jul.)
  8. 運用事件歷史分析法探討大學教師留任率教育研究月刊,326,94-114。(2021,Jun.)
  9. 工作坊報導—大學鏈結聯合國永續發展目標經驗分享:以成功大學為例臺灣校務研究專業協會通訊(TAIR Newsletter),17。(2021, Jun.)
  10. 以跨平臺資料庫整合探究國內高等教育機構國際化現況: 支持校務研究為導向測驗學刊,68(1),25-51。(2021, Mar.)
  11. 【校務研究啟益點:以數據驅動校務策略規劃】校園巡迴講座報導—以資料為本的政策效估專題演講臺灣校務研究專業協會通訊(TAIR Newsletter),16。(2021, Mar.)
  12. 透過校務研究分析提升國際競爭優勢評鑑雙月刊,90,40-43。 (2021, Mar.)
  13. Creating a better future: Implications from futures imagination education in Taiwan. Policy Futures in Education, 19(7), 844-858. (2021, Jan.)(SCOPUS, ESCI)
  14. Making graduation matter: Initial evidence and implications for policy and research. Studies in Higher Education. (2020)(SSCI, Q1)
  15. 與奧地利、美國大學進行國際校務研究交流臺灣校務研究專業協會通訊(TAIR Newsletter),15。(2020, Dec.)
  16. 是良藥還是病徵?以校務研究的角度探究世界大學排名臺灣校務研究專業協會通訊(TAIR Newsletter),14。(2020, Sep.)
  17. 校務研究與數據分析評鑑雙月刊,85,39-43。(2020, May.)
  18. 以校務研究推動大學社會責任臺灣教育評論月刊,9(2),18-21。(2020, Feb.)
  19. 大學生學習成效評估系統與基礎能力檢測系統在中山大學的發展與應用。海外華人校務研究協會電子報(Overseas Chinese Association for Institutional Research, OCAIR)。(2019, Sep.)
  20. 全球瞭望台:全國學生資料交換機構之介紹評鑑雙月刊,75,48-51。(2018, Sep.)
  21. A study on effects of financial aid on student persistence in dual enrollment and advanced placement participation. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 20(1), 1-24. (2018, Jan.)(Scopus)
  22. 校務治理:國際校務研究合作與IR專業發展評鑑雙月刊,69,36-39。(2017, Sep.)
  23. 建立以數據驅動教育決策的學生學習成效平台(Institutional Research: Use Planning and Assessment to Measure Student Learning Outcomes)。教育研究月刊,280,17-29。(2017, Aug.)
  24. 運用校務研究管理高等教育之策略分析臺灣校務研究專業協會通訊(TAIR Newsletter),5。(2017, Mar.)
  25. 校務治理:使用學習成效(SELF-COLA)評估大學生學習經驗評鑑雙月刊,66,29-32。(2017, Mar.)
  26. 焦點話題:校務研究與內部品質保證評鑑雙月刊,65,9-12。(2017, Jan.)


book 研討會

  1. Undergraduate Students’ Perspectives on the 108 Curriculum – the Case of S University’s M Department Students. Taiwan Association for Institutional Research (TAIR) International Conference. (2024, Feb.)
  2. Investigating the Effectiveness of Dual-Degree Programs: the Case of National Sun Yat-sen University. Taiwan Association for Institutional Research (TAIR) International Conference. (2024, Feb.)
  3. Assessment of student learning experiences in EMI courses: The example of National Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan. HERA 2023 Conference. (2023, Jun.)
  4. Higher Education Student Mental Health Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in Taiwan. Taiwan Association for Institutional Research (TAIR) International Conference (Virtual), Online. (2022, Feb.)
  5. English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education: A Case Study from Taiwan. SEAAIR 21st Annual Conference (Virtual), Online. (2021, Nov.)
  6. Strategic Alliances in Institutions of Higher Education to Promote Sustainable Development Goals: A Case Study of Two Universities in Taiwan. SEAAIR 21st Annual Conference (Virtual), Online. (2021, Nov.)
  7. Assessing the effects of IR policy on student learning outcomes in Taiwan. AIR Forum Virtual, USA. (2021, Feb.)
  8. Higher Education Internationalization in Indonesia: Opportunities and Challenges. The 3rd International Conference of Taiwan Association for Institutional Research (TAIR), Online, Taiwan. (2021, May.)
  9. Survival analysis and institutional research. Panel session at the conference of 3th Taiwan Association for Institutional Research (TAIR). National Sun Yet-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (2020, Jan)
  10. The investigation of the relationship between student learning motivations and post-graduation performance. Presentation at the conference of 3th Taiwan Association for Institutional Research (TAIR). National Sun Yet-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (2020, Jan)
  11. The investigation of the influence of self-control and career planning on practicability for first-year graduate students. Paper presentation at 19th SEAAIR, Taipei, Taiwan. (2019, Sep)
  12. Investigating the Effects of Interdisciplinary Programs in a Research-Intensive University. Paper presentation at 19th SEAAIR, Taipei, Taiwan. (2019, Sep)
  13. Examining aspirations for graduate education during college. Paper presentation at the 48th European Higher Education Society Linking research, policy and practice (EAIR), Leiden University, Netherlands. (2019, Aug)
  14. Investigating geographic opportunities in higher education by using Carnegie classification in higher education. Poster presented at 59th Association for Institutional Research (AIR), Denver, CO, USA. (2019, May)
  15. Making graduation matters: Initial evidence and implications for policy and research. Discussion group at the 59th Association for Institutional Research (AIR), Denver, CO, USA. (2019, May)
  16. Student success: Seeking data-based evidence for policy implications. Paper presented at Association for Institutional Research (AIR), Orlando, FL. (2018, May)
  17. Assessing students’ learning experiences and first-year outcomes at a research university. Poster presented at Association for Institutional Research (AIR), Washington, D.C.. (2017, May)
  18. The effects on employability of students’ demographic characteristics, majors, and learning experience at a research university. Poster presented at Association for Institutional Research (AIR), Washington, D.C.. (2017, May)
  19. Building Capacity in IR and Decision Support. Panel presented at Association for Institutional Research (AIR), Washington, D.C.. (2017, May)
  20. Self-COLA: Assessing students’ learning experiences and first-year outcomes at a research university. Presentation at the 2016 International conference: Higher education institutional research, Taipei, Taiwan. (2016, Nov)
  21. An Exploratory Study on the Relationship between Students’ Learning Outcomes and Career Performances of National Sun Yat-sen University. Paper presented at the 2016 International Conference on Institutional Research in Taiwan, Taichung, Taiwan. (2016, May)


book 專書

  1. 初探學習動機的改變對就業表現之影響—以中山大學為例。臺灣校務研究之學生就業與發展(100-123)。臺北:秀威資訊科技。(2020)
  2. 標竿比較在美國大學校務研究的應用。各國大學品質保證與校務研究(45-68)。臺北:高等教育。(2019)
  3. 從學術研究到校務研究:以美國校務研究發展為例。臺灣校務研究理論與技術(24-35)。臺北:高等教育。(2018)
  4. 綜合案例(IR之建置與應用):中山大學篇。臺灣校務研究實務(43-60)。臺北:高等教育。(2018)
  5. A focus on building capacity for IR and decision support in Asia (China, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan). In Webber, K. & A. Calderon (Eds.), Institutional research and planning in higher education: Global themes and contexts (pp. 241-257). New York, NY: Routledge Press/Taylor & Francis. (2018)


發佈單位: 校務研究辦公室
最後更新日期: 2024-04-10