The Center is established for the purpose of quality management, internal control and auditing for the assurance of quality assurance on university affairs and the sustainable development of the university.
The Center is consist of:
(1)Office of Institutional Research;
(2)Internal Control Team;
(3)University Fund Auditor.
Office of Institutional Research
-Collection, analysis, and evaluation of data;
-Strategic research analysis for the mid- and long-term development.
Internal Control Team
-Oversees training programs for internal control administrative operations;
-Review and enhance existing internal control operations;
-Integrate and review the compatibility and internal control operation of task groups.
-Assess and validate procedures and regulations for internal control and internal auditing standards;
-Self-assessment of the internal control auditing standards;
-Develop and implement annual and project-based internal control plans;
-Follow up on suggestions raised in the internal audit process and manage external reviews.
University Fund Auditing
-Produce annual and project-based internal audit reports.
-Internal auditing of funds and university assets.
-Analysis and evaluate on the efficiency of the expenditures.